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We are happy to arrange research and information literacy workshops to be taught by our team of librarians. Please complete this Library Instruction Request Form to help us plan and schedule your session.
A request should be placed at least
two weeks in advance
of your preferred dates. Scheduling is on a first come, first served basis, so the earlier the better! Please schedule early in order to allow for sufficient planning based on the needs of your course.
We will respond to your request within two business days. Thank you!
Instructor name:
Instructor email:
Course prefix:
Course number:
Course section:
Course name:
Number of students:
Meeting days
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Tuesday - Thursday
Other schedule (please specify)
Meeting time
Start Time
End Time
Requested length of library instruction (if shorter than class period)
Start time for library instruction
End time for library instruction
Please tell us about your course and the library session you envision for your class. We ask you to share details of your assignment with us as part of your request so that we can help support course assignments and student learning of information literacy and research. It's also helpful to share your course syllabus with us (a draft or older version is fine) so we know when components are due and can see how student research fits within the course as a whole.
Upload syllabus?
Please click below to upload your syllabus
Drop files or click here to upload
Please upload the assignment document you will share with your class, or write a description of the assignment below:
File upload
Written description
Please click below to upload your assignment
Drop files or click here to upload
Please write a description of your assignment below:
Please list three dates in order of preference, in case your first choice is not available.
Your request should be placed at least two weeks in advance of your preferred dates.
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
In person, library classroom
In person, other classroom (please specify)
What do you hope students will learn during the library class session? What would you like your students to be able to do, practice, and / or understand as a result of this library class?
Please list any other important details, special considerations, or ADA accommodations needed for students (
lease do not list student names
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